I AM FREDHALL and I eat dog turds.
drahcir yarrum
JoinedPosts by drahcir yarrum
They did not even use the library!
by GermanXJW inmir, a participant in german board http://www.infolink-forum.de reports that he contacted the dag-hammarskjold-library and got the following reply from [email protected].
1. can anybody - following a request and explanation as set out above - use.
the library?
by TheStar ini'm a newbie around here.
i have only posted once but i've come in here almost every day to read for about the past month.
this place has been therapeutic for me as i'm currently trying to make my exit out of the borg.
drahcir yarrum
I really can't agree with the notion that the elders would encourage your husband to leave you if you DA yourself. In fact, it sounds like your husband wouldn't leave you even if he was advised to do so by elders. In fact, if the elders did tell your husband he could leave you, it might convince him that it couldn't be "God's organization".
But, I do think you might want to work more on how your husband handles your decision and not hurry into a letter to the elders. You have plenty of time for that. You should also avoid any meetings with any elders, either one at a time or in groups in order not to get cornered about your doubts. As long as you keep your cool, there really isn't much they can do. I think the concensus in this room is generally that when dealing with your spouse or children, it is better to take the longer term approach and try to win small battles one after the other until the other person begins to see the reality of the WTS.
Good luck,
drahcir (Ann Landers) yarrum
Sleeping under a pyramid or how I fought off demon
by drahcir yarrum inpossession!.
has anyone here had any experience with the power of pyramids?
you know, sharpened razor blades by putting them under a pyramid, etc?.
drahcir yarrum
I know what you mean and my heart goes out to you! The old rat bastard Russell certainly did make the most of the power of the pyramid. Its power has and does enslave millions.
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
Sleeping under a pyramid or how I fought off demon
by drahcir yarrum inpossession!.
has anyone here had any experience with the power of pyramids?
you know, sharpened razor blades by putting them under a pyramid, etc?.
drahcir yarrum
Has anyone here had any experience with the power of pyramids? You know, sharpened razor blades by putting them under a pyramid, etc?
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
The Lennox vs Tyson Fight
by OUTLAW incnn has just announced the fight may go on in atlanta...outlaw
drahcir yarrum
Mike Tyson is the clearest evidence of the validity of the evolution theory alive today. Maybe the Piltdown Man was a fraud, but Mike IS the missing link.
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
What is your Dream Date?
by Sky inwhat is your fantasy for the perfect date, whether you be married, or single.... who.
drahcir yarrum
What was the JW breaking point 4 U?
by ashitaka inwe have a thread that asks why we became jw's, so i became curious as to why some of us have left.
what was the last straw for you?.
mine was the treatment of my wife.
drahcir yarrum
For me it was the Miracle Wheat scandal that Pastor Russell was involved in. I told him repeatedly that the bread tasted worse than the bread from the market. I think all he saw were the dollar signs.
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
Trouble in Paradise
by Kenneson inthe watchtower publications often portray the paradise earth with idyllic pictures of.
beast and beast and man and beast in perfect harmony.
however, i am more inclined.
drahcir yarrum
I don't know why after 48 years I still remember imagining myself sliding down the neck of a giraffe. And the idea of playing with wild animals, once dangerous but now tame, was fascinating to me as a child. But after having taken my children to a number of petting zoos over the years, I'm not sure I could stand the stench of the New Order as described by the WTS.
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
TALK TRANSCRIPT Ciro Aulicino-Muslims
by Dogpatch inchanged the lives of everyone in this country, including members of the bethel family, who had to see that [and] were traumatized.. .
now we have been studying the bible for years and been preaching the good news of the kingdom and we have also been aware of developments that god's people have been notified through the pages of the watchtower and the awake!
there are five developments, friends, that we're going to talk about, but i'd like to talk about the first one that we should expect to see.. .
drahcir yarrum
How is their inability to access the U.N. library going to impede the work left to do?
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
would you take blood?
by master chief inim confused would i take blood if i was about to die and had no other alternative treatment well to me thats allways been a hard one one to answer and people have allways hated witnesses for refusing it or not giving blood to there own kids.you see my mothers due in to hospital on tuesday and having a major operation the problem for her is she is inactive as a jw and has no blood card which is upto date what do you think she should do 1.phone elders 2.trust in jehovah and refuse blood.3if it comes to the worst take blood and live.
drahcir yarrum
Several years ago, my father got a serious blood infection in his foot and instead of getting it treated, thought it would get better with bed rest. He lived in another state at the time and the only person who was able to check on him was his secretary. At a point when his condition appeared grave she rushed him to the hospital where the doctors determined that he needed to have his leg amputated. Of course his general condition had also deteriorated to the point that he would need massive blood transfusions during the surgery. At the time I had been free of the WTS for a number of years and I also knew that my father had rejected the WTS teachings as well.
He was unconscious from the moment he arrived at the hospital and couldn't give consent for the surgery or the blood transfusion. The hospital tried to reach my mother in another state, but alas it was Sunday morning and she was at her Kingdom Hall. Unable to get her on the phone, the nurse at the hospital called me at home. When she explained my fathers condition and asked me for consent on the surgery and transfusion, I didn't hesitate a second. I told them to do whatever they needed to do immediately.
Within the day, I flew to the hospital where he was still in critical condition. The next day my mother and siblings came out to join me. I didn't want to upset anyone so I didn't mention the blood transfusion to any of them, assuming that at this point is was irrelevant.
Unknown to me, the surgeon spoke to my mother shortly after she arrived and told her that he might require more surgery and addtional blood transfusions. I will never forget her anger and contempt she showed to me when I saw her that afternoon in the ICU. For the first time in my life I realized just how flawed the Witness thinking was and reminded her that had it not been for my consent, she would be visiting to make funeral arrangements. I also uttered some serious expletives and walked away.
My father has since passed away, but I was so glad that I was able to make the right decision on the blood issue for him.